More Guided Nature Walks!

Join us on our next Walk in the Woods! They’re free, kid friendly, and fascinating. Meet at the kiosk in the main (east) parking lot of LBA Park.

Sunday May 20 9-11:30: Biologist, forester, botanist, ecologist Ted Thomas will be leading us through the woods to help us identify more species of trees and plants. We’ll be collecting data with an easy-to-use smartphone app called iNaturalist. You can download it for free at Be sure to join our “LBA Project” page. This is a citizen-science project and we need all eyes, ears, and curious minds to participate. We need non-app users, too, to help us key out species.

THIS WALK IS FULL! Saturday June 9th 9-11:30:  Join ace birder and popular field-trip guide, Bob Wadsworth, on a morning bird walk. The LBA Woods hosts at least 66 species of resident and migratory birds. Learn how to recognize them by sound and sight. Bring your binoculars and field guides. NOTE: This walk is limited to 12 participants. Please reserve your spot by e-mailing Friends of the LBA Woods,