Work Parties #5 and #6

The Friends of LBA Woods and these lovely Serviceberry flowers (now blooming!) invite you to join us at our work parties next week. We will continue our good work banishing the invasive Yellow Archangel from along the trail near the Wilderness neighborhood entrance to the park.

We are hosting our first-ever mid-week work party Wednesday May 17 from 9-11 a.m. We’ll  host another party Saturday May 20 from 10-12 noon. We’ll provide gloves and trowels (though the work in mostly hand pulling).

If you would like to pull archangel on your own–even for just 15-20 minutes during your walk in the woods any other day–please contact Maria Ruth (Friends of LBA Woods) for instructions. Every little bit helps! E-mail:

DIRECTIONS TO THE WORK SITE: From Boulevard Road SE Olympia, turn onto east onto Wilderness Drive. Turn left on Highline Drive., which becomes Frontier Drive at the work site. Park on the street and follow signs to the trail and work party. Signs to the work site will be posted along the trail from the main parking lot in LBA Park off Morse-Merryman Rd.