The draft 2016 Parks Plan is now available for public review. The LBA Woods Park Coalition is thrilled that the passage of Proposition 1 occurred in time to figure into this 6-year plan. We are also very excited to see the acquisition of Trillium/Ashton Woods–in print!–as well as a generous amount of open-space funding for unspecified parkland. We still have much work to do to save all of LBA Woods….here is your first task:
The Olympia Parks Department wants to know what you think about the draft! The Parks Plan was written based on an extensive public input process. Jonathon Turlove (Associate Planner for Olympia Parks), sent out the information below by e-mail November 18 to everyone who participated in the Parks planning process over the past year. In case you missed it….
To view the entire plan, click here:
The Parks Plan was unveiled at last night’s City Council meeting (November 18th). To view a video of the 23-minute presentation on the plan, click here: (note that the video will start after about 20 seconds)
The Parks Department needs your feedback! Please look over the plan and help them answer these questions: Did they hear you correctly? Is there anything missing? Does anything need to be changed?
You can provide comments in three ways.
- Participate in the OlySpeaks on-line questionnaire:
- E-mail your comments to Jonathon Turlove:
- Come to an Open House on Wednesday, December 2, 6:30PM at The Olympia Center, 222 Columbia NW, Olympia.
The deadline for comment on this initial draft is Friday, December 11, 2015.