Please join us for our first work party in the LBA Woods on Saturday, August 27, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
We will be working on removing invasive Scotch broom and Himalayan blackberry from the trails in our newest City of Olympia parkland (unofficially known as the “LBA Woods” and “Trillium” parcel).
From the eastern parking lot in LBA Park (3333 Morse-Merryman Rd. SE), just follow the mulched path to the gate into the woods. Signs will be posted and volunteers will be on hand to show you the way.
Everyone is welcome and we will have jobs for all ages and abilities. Tools, gloves, snacks, tool-free tasks, rest breaks, camaraderie, and fun are all provided. Drop in when you can, stay as long as you like (but please sign in/check in first). You must wear close-toed shoes to work!
Children under 13 are most welcome but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Unaccompanied minors 14-17 must have a waiver signed a parent or guardian. We will have waivers on hand, but you can fill one out in advance here: Click on the “Waiver and Medical Alert” tab on the left.
If you’ve never walked the trails in the LBA Woods, this is your chance to get a map of the trails and short guided walk of two trail loops.
This event is sponsored by The Friends of LBA Woods stewardship group and the City of Olympia Parks Stewardship staff.
We encourage RSVPs by Wednesday, August 24 so we can have enough tools and snacks for everyone. Please RSVP to