This map shows the location of the 5-acre parcel purchased by the City of Olympia for a “reservoir” (water tower) in accordance with the 2004 Water System Plan. The water tower is to provide water storage and fire protection for 25 years. At the time of purchase, the surrounding acreage was to become the “Trillium” housing development. Now, with the City planning to purchase the 74-acres for parkland….is a 140-tall, 90-foot wide water tower really necessary? Are there alternatives?
Information on the status of the water tower and the future parkland acquisition will be provided at Wednesday 6:30 p.m. Februay 10 public meeting at McKenny Elementary School, 3250 Morse-Merryman Rd. (across from LBA Park). Please bring your questions and concerns, which might include:
- Implications of and impacts to adjacent neighbors and neighborhoods from construction activity.
- Possible loss of some passive recreational opportunities on the
Reservoir site (walking, running, and biking). - Loss of environmental preservation (trees and habitat).
- Increasing development and urbanization on Olympia’s east side.
Presenters for the Public Meeting are: Andy Haub, Water Resources Director, Public Works Department and David Hanna, Associate Director, Parks, Arts, and Recreation
For more information go to:…/constructio…/log-cabin-reservoir.aspx
For more information Contact Rick Dougherty, Project Manager, at 360.753.8485, or