A Poem for LBA Woods, by Jacob Price
My spirit hides with your evergreen nymphs,
my soul is in your blue sighs, where your breath
releases the oxygen I breathe
a cycle of life in our air.
My body moves in your dust.
My footsteps, like the rubber of a stamp,
where you imprinted on me.
How could I forget when the stumps
and fallen trunks became my play things
and the whizzing of crawling creatures
my chorus, my rhythm and my songs
now that I am lost in the openness
of city life?
Leaves that shaded me from formless
nightscapes still
sway while I am away.
And now they threaten
to break your back with their bone machine
to make a skeleton for suburban dreams.
A shelter for thousands of living beings
flee from the sound of mechanical wings.
Where will they land?
The steely bite is worse than the tree’s bark.
Its teeth cuts dead ends in each branch,
from which grew the outline of a leaf.
The metal roar is a language unintelligible
in the sea of swaying peace.
If a tree is felled in a forest,
does the neighborhood hear it?
If the tree is not felled in the forest,
there is a peace
to be heard
ringing, ringing, ringing,
from the woods.
Click here to watch a video of Jacob reading his poem.