City to release results of park suitability study

Update: The completed Community Park Suitability Assessment study can be read in its entirety here.

SPECIAL NOTICE:  November 18:

5:30 pm:  Special City Council Study Session at Olympia City Hall.   Olympia’s Parks Director Paul Simmons and Consultant Robert Droll will present the results of a citywide park suitability study.  The purpose of the study is to evaluate five large parcels in the Olympia Urban Growth Area for their suitability as a new community park with open space.   Two of the properties are the Bentridge and Trillium parcels that make up the wooded lands to the east and south of LBA Park (what we call the “LBA Woods”).    Come show your support for the LBA Woods.
An Agenda has not yet been posted by the City, but will be viewable here.  Public comments will not be taken during this study session, but you can give your comments during Public Comment time at the City Council’s regular meeting which starts at 7pm.

SAVE-LBA-WOODS-poster-8-16-2014-two on 8.5 x 11-thumbnail

You can print two signs on one piece of paper.

6:45 pm: Your chance to show the Olympia City Council that you want the LBA Woods saved as a park. Even though the City Council meeting doesn’t start until 7pm, you need to be there before 7 pm to sign in to speak.  Parking is tight.  We recommend that you carpool if possible.  Bring your friends and neighbors!
The City Council needs to see and hear your support for the LBA Woods.  
Print “Save LBA Woods” signs to bring to this meeting. It will help send the message to the City Council that you support saving these woods.

Probably after 8pm:
  Starting after the City Council’s regular Tuesday, Nov. 18, meeting, the City Council will hold a hearing on the city Capital Facilities Plan (CFP) and operating budget.   This is another important opportunity for you to let the City Council hear that it needs to honor the 2004 Parks and Sidewalk ballot measure and include money for the acquisition of Olympia’s last great opportunity for a legacy park – the LBA Woods.

See flyer for Nov. 18th.