We HEART the draft of Olympia’s new 2016 Parks Plan! Let the authors–the Olympia Parks, Arts & Recreation Department– know how much you love it, too. We are so pleased that the plan includes the acquisition of the “Trillium” half of the LBA Woods and other open spaces, habitat, and land for community parks. Olympia worked hard to get the funding for projects in the Parks Plan through the recently passed Metro Parks District. Now its time to ensure the LBA Woods benefits from this new revenue stream.
Please go to www.olyspeaks.org–by December 11th–to be part of the ongoing effort to save all of the LBA Woods. OlySpeaks is a carefully moderated public forum–all you need to do is provide your e-mail and a password (30 seconds) and you can add your comments or “like” and comment on other citizen’s comments.
What’s to love in the Parks Plan? Lots! For Save the LBA Woods supporters, seeing the LBA Woods Acquistion in the plan in print (page 88, below) is thrilling.
Let the Park Department know that the acquistion of the adjacent wooded parcel (“Bentridge”) meets all of the criteria for Future Land Acquisition (page 89, below).
We also love Map 7-1 in the plan. Sure, those little brown things look like cows on the map–but the are actually icons of a wooden park sign.
You can read the entire plan from a link on www.olyspeaks.org. Please “share” this posting with your friends. You can also e-mail your comments directly to Jonathon Turlove, Olympia Parks, at jturlove@ci.olympia.wa.us
We’ll post more things to love about the draft Parks Plan until the deadline for Olyspeaks comments is December 11.